Sunday, April 6, 2008

Laughter in Long Beach

Went to So. Cal. this past weekend to visit my old friend V before I leave. This is us after we got our nerve up to embark on an adventure and visit a leather bar. I'm following a MySpace tradition and not using his full name. It seems silly, but adds to his mystique. He's in the photo, so he may appreciate my not using his full name. I thought the black bars added a nice pulp-fictionesque touch.

So, V and I got to eat, and reminisce, and eat, and hang out, and eat, and bar hop, and drink lattes, and eat. It was like no time had passed and we were still in our 20s, dishing and gossiping and laughing about our misadventures. I got to meet his darling friend Gianna, and met up with old friends Misti, Brie (have fun in Dubai!), and Lucretia. I had a wonderful time and made some great new memories. Gianna and V have a friend already in Taiwan, so now they'll have yet another excuse to come and visit.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to fit my life into two suitcases.

1 comment:

  1. Let us all know when your first impressions are when you arrive! Good luck.



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